I used internet for the first time in primary school. I was surprised about the huge amount of data that can be found there. I’ve created my first e-mail account, but the most often used program was mIRC chat. At home we did have a personal computer but it didn’t have an option and the necessary hardware to connect to the internet. Otherwise, connection speed was ok for that time but looking back, I can’t imagine internet connection nowadays with connection speed that low!
In secondary school I decided to buy myself a new personal computer with all the hardware I needed to connect to the internet. It was very useful during the school years because I found a lot of information about the things we were learning in school, on the internet. I used it to upgrade my knowledge!
In secondary school I decided to buy myself a new personal computer with all the hardware I needed to connect to the internet. It was very useful during the school years because I found a lot of information about the things we were learning in school, on the internet. I used it to upgrade my knowledge!
Nowadays, I can’t imagine life without it! It is a necessity at the faculty, since professors put all their lessons on the internet, all the literature we need for the exams also there we can find all the dates for the exams and the grades we get.
So, I don’t imagine everyday life without the internet. The number of users is increasing and also, they start using it very soon. It is developing very fast, connection speeds are getting higher; a lot of data can be transferred in just few seconds. But on the other hand, despite all the good things it brought to our lives, it can and it is used by some to harm others, to take their money and things like that! So, like everywhere else, we have to be careful while using the internet.
3 komentarji:
hi there...
I don't ski... I used to snowboard...used to...because I haven't done it for a year now... but I love more than skiing...I did ski when I was little...than I had this accident while skiing... and I skipped to snowboarding... free style on some deserted mountains...I got hooked on that from my brother... he does it more than I do...;)
Hy Anže,how are you. We often see each other at school but we never speak. I don't know...maybe we just don't have enough time :)
hey, about Saturday...I'm working on a party in Bugatti dancing club, so we will probably meet :) I'm looking forward :)
see you, by,by
ow, you wont believe what happened to me...I don't know what was I doing, but I delete your comment on my blog. It was by accident. Would you write it again please?
Hi Špela!
I'm fine! And how are you? Jes, at school we see each other but usualy we just say hi becouse we have many thinsk to do. I think that we must go on coffe on day and there we can talk about everythink.
I write my comment to you agan.
OK, we will see you Saturday, I houpe!!!
Be cool
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